| 1. | Show respect to social etiquettes 十一遵守礼节的精神 |
| 2. | Distinguished personages ' point of view : smile , social etiquette for upper - class life 名流观点:微笑,上流生活的社交礼仪。 |
| 3. | I didn ' t express my opinions because i felt i knew too little about social etiquette 因为我觉得我对社交礼仪懂得太少,所以我没表示意见。 |
| 4. | When conducting business around the world or with someone of anther culture , a knowledge of certain rules of business and social etiquettes is important 在进行国际商务活动和与不同文化背景的人交往过程中、了解一些商务知社又礼仪是欠有禅益的。 |
| 5. | Organize various career talks and training programmes on job - related skills like job hunting , interviewing techniques , social etiquette & communication in the work setting 举办各种就业讲座及提高就业技能的工作坊,例如:面试技巧,办公室礼仪等。 |
| 6. | Business chinese advanced : social etiquettes , office and business manners is for beginners to train the necessary and everyday business etiquette language skills 《商务汉语入门? ?日常交际篇》针对已经掌握一点简单汉语的学习者,训练基本商务信息交流的语言交际技能。 |
| 7. | Imagine mr . butler living up to social etiquette and enunciating his views on paul verlaine or the german drama or the novels of d annunzio . we d be bored to death 你想想看,若是让巴特勒先生出于社交礼仪而大谈其保尔魏尔伦德国戏剧或是邓南遮,岂不是要闷死人吗? |
| 8. | In terms of social etiquette , this is simply the best way an organizing authority of a formal event can express its gratitude and respect towards its vips 以风笛手现埸演奏并带领嘉宾进场,可避免贵宾于无声无息的情况下出席于仪式或典礼当中,亦可集中与会人仕之焦点 |
| 9. | For example , sometimes you hug someone , and if you love him or her , they will feel different than when you just hug out of social etiquette , like , yes , hello , how are you 就像你抱一个人,如果你是因为爱他们的关系,他们的感觉会不一样,和社交礼仪上互相拥抱不一样,不是那种光讲嗨! |
| 10. | David holmes , a social psychologist at manchester metropolitan university , said : “ good timekeeping is becoming a forgotten social etiquette , with a new generation considering lateness the norm rather than a faux pas that should be avoided 曼彻斯特都市大学的社会心理学家戴维?霍姆斯说: “良好的守时习惯正在成为被遗忘的社交礼节,新的一代都认为迟到很正常,不是应该避免的失礼行为。 ” |